Tis the Season to be Jolly - But Not Too Jolly: Top Ten Holiday Party Don'ts!


There is probably not much of an opportunity to generate new business at holiday parties but there is GREAT risk in losing business if you’re not careful.  The possible pitfalls are endless and no one wants to be remembered in a negative way.


I’m committed to making sure my clients are prepared to make the most of these events and I want to make sure you are as well. This week and next I am going to share my annual Holiday Party Do’s and Don’ts. Follow these tips, and you will be sure to end the year on the nice list, as opposed to starting 2018 on the naughty one.

Top 10 Holiday Party Don’ts:

1. Don’t Over Drink: This is rule # 1.  We’ve all seen that person who overindulges at a holiday party. Do not let this person be you! This goes for your date as well.

2. Don’t Forget to Eat: This is your best defense against breaking rule #1. A stomach full of appetizers will help prevent the appearance of your “holiday happy self!”

3. Don’t Be Late: Office and business holiday parties might not be your idea of a good time, but that doesn’t mean you should show up twenty minutes before the end. That can create a bad impression, and that’s not how you want to end your year.

4. Don’t RSVP and not show up: Even worse than being late is saying you will attend and not showing up. Sure, sometimes things come up that are beyond your control, but wanting to watch Hallmark movies instead of going to the party is not an excuse. You said you were going to be there, so be there. If you do have an emergency and will miss the event, text, call or email the person hosting the event as soon as possible so they will understand, even if they receive the message after the event.

5. Don’t Monopolize the Conversation: Sure this is a great opportunity to get someone one on one time with clients and other key contacts but don’t monopolize all of their time. Remember that there are other people they want and need to talk to.

6. Don’t Talk Shop Too Much: This is a chance to get to know clients or co-workers outside of the office. Keep the shop talk to a minimum and use this time to get to know them better.

7. Don’t Talk to Only the People You Know: We all tend to gravitate to or gather with those we know and are most comfortable, but holiday parties give us a chance to branch out. Introduce yourself to someone you have only corresponded with via email for business. Take the opportunity to get to know others better.

8. Don’t be a Curmudgeon: It’s the holidays and you’re at a party. Be positive and contribute to the festive atmosphere. Save the Grinch for another night. 

9. Don’t Post Inappropriate Pictures on Social Media: A good rule of thumb is to ask someone before you post a picture of them on social media. The best way to avoid unflattering party pictures? See rule #1. 

10. Don’t Over Stay Your Welcome: Just as important as not arriving too late is not leaving too late. Have fun, enjoy the evening, but if you’re the last one there and the host looks bored, it is time to head for the door.

There you have it. My Top Ten Holiday Party Don’ts. Next week I will share my Top Ten Dos. Ten ways to make sure you end your year on the nice list.

What have I missed? Share your holiday party don’ts below?